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Writer's picture: Sidney JonesSidney Jones

We started out the day by writing a recipe for a body of water. You can read my recipe below. Then we spent most of our day kayaking on the Little Miami River, we traveled for about 3 hours. While on the river, we did make a couple detours to swim or wait for other to catch up. I saw turtles, birds, and logs. I heard water especially because of the oars and the rapids. I also heard birds and the wind going through the trees and water.

To Make a River

You start by pouring 10 cups of water into a forest

Then add fish

The fish should spread across the body of water

Add other animals of different shapes and sizes like insects, snails, etc.

To make sure the animals survive pour 1 cup of oxygen

Then surround our body of water with plant like trees, flowers, etc.

Then sprinkle 1 teaspoon of rocks

Now you have a basic river

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Writer's picture: Sidney JonesSidney Jones

Today at Delco Park we created a "Metot", this is a creature that is a combination of three animals. We created the creature by picking traits, I asked my friends what they thought would fit me best and picked my three favorites. Then I picked animals based on the traits, I picked dolphin, elephant and fox. The traits I ended up with were Logical, Creative and Kind. Then we had to write about our creature, I decided to write a poem. The poem details the facts about my creature. After this activity we were allowed to explore the park. I saw various birds: ducks, geese and a turtle.

On the beach it swims and hunts

For defense it uses its tusks and trunk

They're 4 feet tall, creative and kind

The life span is 20 years so you'll be able to find

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Writer's picture: Sidney JonesSidney Jones

At the beginning of the day we had to write a poem or short story about something on a farm. I decided to write my story on trees, this story can be seen below. Afterwards, we went to Carriage Hill which is a farm. Their was a 19th century based farm house, you could see most of the same thing they had back then in the house. The animals that I saw were sheep, pigs, chickens and horses. Their was also a river going throughout the entire park. Their was also different shacks you could see around: wood shack and where the blacksmith works. Today I learned that farm life is very private, the even had their own graveyards on the farm. They rarely have to go shopping either because they have wood and the blacksmith could create tools.

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